Absalon, Absalon !

Based on William Faulkner / Séverine Chavrier
12/02/2025 13/02/2025
  • Duration: +/- 4:30 with intermission, new show
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

Seasoned in the words of the American writer William Faulkner, director Séverine Chavrier, who had adapted Wild Palms about a decade ago, revisits the distinctive prose of the Nobel laureate in literature by adapting one of his most famous and arguably most masterful novels: Absalon, Absalon!

Inspired by a biblical episode – in which Absalon, son of David, avenges his sister raped by his own brother by assassinating him at a lavish banquet – Absalon, Absalon! interweaves narratives and memories to depict, in the manner of an ancient tragedy, the fate of the mysterious Thomas Stupen, a young planter in frenzied pursuit of social recognition in the 19th-century American South.

Alone, with only a single gold coin for fortune, he arrives in an unknown county, a total stranger, and builds a pharaonic house, a gigantic estate that he names after himself to assert his need for greatness, but which nevertheless fails, in incest and fratricide, to produce a powerful lineage, a vast dynasty.

Plunging us into this “South” that has become mythical, mythological, shaped by drive-ins, towering billboards and vast expanses, ghost trains and haunted houses, Séverine Chavrier brings to the stage a grand spectacle about the impossibility of social revenge, blinded by an ideal of purity.


Date Hour
Wednesday, February 12 7:00 pm Book
Thursday, February 13 7:00 pm Book


  • Plein tarif 31 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 26 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 13 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


With Pierre Artières-Glissant, Daphné Biiga Nwanak, Jérôme de Falloise, Victoire du Bois, Alban Guyon, Jimy Lapert, Armel Malonga, Annie Mercier, Hendrickx Ntela, Laurent Papot, Kevin Bah “Computer”
With the participation of Maric Barbereau

Text William Faulkner
Translation and revision François Pitavy, René-Noël Raimbault
Adaptation and direction Séverine Chavrier
Dramaturgy and assistant director Marie Fortuit, Marion Platevoet, Baudouin Woehl
Set design and props Louise Sari
Lighting Germain Fourvel
Music Armel Malonga
Sound Séverine Chavrier, Simon d’Anselme de Puisaye
Video Quentin Vigier
Video framing Claire Willemann
Costumes Clément Vachelard
Dramaturgical advice on diversity and representation policies Noémi Michel
Bird education Tristan Plot
Assistant set design Tess du Pasquier
Assistant costumes Andréa Matweber
Doll design Chantal Sari
Car motorization design Vincent Wüthrich

Drawing Alain Cruchon, Gilles Perrier
Locksmith Hugo Bertrand, Wondimu Bussy
Carpenter Yannick Bouchex, Balthazar Boisseau, Mathias Brigger
Construction reinforcement Julien Fleureau
Stage management Mateo Gasteldello, Sylvain Sarrailh, Mansour Walter
Lighting management Thomas Rebou
Sound management Alizée Vazeille
Video management Gilles Borel
Video framing Claire Willemann
Dressing Karine Dubois
Technical direction Yves Fröhle
Technical support Terence Prout
Technical coordination Margaux Blanc, Margaret Labbé
Production direction Pauline Pierron
Production Pascale Reneau
Assistant production Elyse Blanquet
Production Comédie de Genève
Co-production CDN Orléans Centre-Val de Loire, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona), ThéâtredelaCité CDN Toulouse Occitanie, Bonlieu Scène nationale d’Annecy, Théâtre de Liège, DC&J Création, Festival d’Avignon
Set construction Workshops of the Comédie de Genève
Support Ernst Göhner Foundation (Zug, Switzerland), Belgian Federal Government Tax Shelter, Inver Tax Shelter
With the artistic participation of the Jeune Théâtre National




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