After The Walls (Utopia)

Anne-Cécile Vandalem
25/11/2015 26/11/2015
  • Duration: 1h20
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

After The Walls (UTOPLA) is the final piece of the Trilogie des parentheses, directed by the fabulous actress Anne-Cécile Vandalem. Her work tackles the topic of isolation and of the grip of dream on reality. You must add to that evidently the reality of the home. People identify with the place they live in to make a sort of monster, made of rock and flesh, of furniture and ideas, of hope and space. Utopia is halfway between the conference and the play, in which an architect tells us about his vision of future and asks the audience about their relationship between home and dream. He also promises an unprecedented utopian architectural dream as a solution to the social, demographic and ecological challenges of our time.


« Meilleur seul en scène » aux prix de la Critique 2013


Date Hour
Wednesday, November 25 7:00 pm
Thursday, November 26 8:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Creator, playwright and director Anne-Cécile Vandalem
Playwright collaborator Jean-Bastien Tinant
Assistants director Leïla Di GregorioCéline Gaudier
Actor Vincent Lécuyer
Lighting designer Caspar Langhoff
Sound designer Pierre Kissling
Scenic designer Ruimtevaarders
Costumes designer Laurence Hermant
Sound management David De Four
Lighting management Octavie Pieron
Video and stage management Yoan Lozachmeur
Producer Théâtre de Namur
Coproducers Das Fräulein (Kompanie) / Bruxelles, Théâtre National / Bruxelles, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Théâtre de Liège, Le Volcan / Scène nationale du Havre, le printemps des comédiens / Montpellier, Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine, Norderzoon festival / Groningen, NL.
The project is co-produced by NXTSTP, with support from the EU Culture Program. With help from the fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service Théâtre and from the Agence Wallonie Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse




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