Alone together

Anna Anderegg
02/11/2024 03/11/2024
  • Duur: 5:00
  • Location : Salle Regina


Free entry and exit, from 17:00 to 22:00

Since its invention thirty years ago, the Internet has spread with almost unimaginable speed, infiltrating the most intimate spheres of our lives. Constantly connected, we have drifted apart from each other to find ourselves in virtual worlds… As if we shared our loneliness together… In a continuous performance, where spectators come and go freely, “Alone together” invites us to reflect on our technology addictions, our need to always be connected, until we become mere ghostly presences.


Date Hour
Saturday, November 2 5:00 pm Free entry and exit, from 17:00 to 22:00
Sunday, November 3 5:00 pm Free entry and exit, from 17:00 to 22:00


  • Gratuit


Choreography: Anna Anderegg
Performance: Trécy Afonos, Ixchel Mendoza Hernandez, Waylon D’Mello, Laureline Richard, Nina Willimann
Architectural elements and space design: Diagonal Thoughts – Sara Kim
Sound design: Marco Barotti
Cinematography: Swan Park
Dramaturgy: Johanna Hilari
Lighting design: Our Labour – Chunghyung Lee, Chung Kihoon
Costume design: Antoniya Ivanova
Visual segments: Milica Slacanin
Coproduction: Hangar21, DAZ (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum), POISON Berlin, Kunsthaus Pasquart, HeK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste), Eunam Museum of Arts
Sponsors: Swiss Fund Korea, Arts Council Korea, TANZ OWL, City of Detmold, City of Biel, Canton Bern, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Lufthansa, Pro Helvetia


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