Arts & Sciences : Crossroads

Auteur & Metteur en scène Compagnie Unetelle
  • Location : ULiège / Interface entreprises-université


Intellectual property, a meeting point for Arts and Sciences


Isabelle Daguerre, lawyer and intellectual property advisor, Picarré, Liège Science Park

Creativity and inventiveness, irreconcilable or complementary concepts? Uncover artistic performances and preserve the confidentiality of processes, where is the balance point?



Intervention by Picarré in the framework of the pipole project, financed by Wallonia and the FSE



Intelligent clothing at the service of the performing arts


Virginie Canart, Reseacher and Project Manager, CENTEXBEL 

Manu Di Martino, Visual Artist, Choregrapher, OkusLAB (

Alain Bouffioux, Project Manager, Interface Entreprises-Université de Liège

The Intelligent Sensor invades many areas: home, health, automotive, etc. And if he entered the theater, incognito, hidden in the clothes of the artists? A first overview will take stock of the technology. The structure of the textile, its properties, the integration of the sensors, its components and its connections will be discussed. Finally, the artist will be given the floor to know his vision on some applications, on the properties of a suitable garment and on its elaboration procedure.




The capture and analysis of human movement applied to health and the performing arts.


Cédric Schwartz, Laboratoire d’Analyse du Mouvement Humain (LAMH), Université de Liège. 

Mohamed Boutaamayou, Laboratoire d’Analyse du Mouvement Humain (LAMH)

Artist to be confirmed

Recent technological advances have made it possible both to improve the quality of the tools of capture and analysis of the movement and to facilitate their availability. These advances have led to the emergence of applications in various fields, including health and performing arts.




Cocktail & Networking


Date Hour
Thursday, November 16 12:00 pm


  • Free


ULiège / Interface Entreprises-Université / Salle Archimède / Free admission

Information and registration (Arts et Sciences : Crossroads – Eventbrite)



Salle de la Grande Main
The swirling movements of the famous whirling dervishes modernized by the fervor of Ziya Azazi in a flamboyant show.

Detours Cyphers 2024

Parc de la Boverie
An event dedicated to urban dance that sheds light on the city and its artists.

L'Arbre à clous

22.09.2024 04.10.2024
Salle de l'Œil vert
A votive vigil inspired by an ancient Walloon tradition still alive today, which reactivates the powers of our imaginations.

Le Garage inventé

22.09.2024 28.09.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
Blending theatre and film, Claude Schmitz's Le Garage inventé is a total spectacle.


02.10.2024 04.10.2024
La Cité Miroir
The journey of an infinitely courageous woman, ready to face all dangers to protect her child and save herself.


04.10.2024 05.10.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
The incomparable masterpiece of James Joyce, Ulysses, adapted for the theater to elevate the most mythical of literary odysseys.