b4 summer

Mercedes Dassy {Brussels}
31/01/2020 01/02/2020
  • Duur: 50min
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert



In her previous work, i-clit, Mercedes Dassy explored a new trend of hyper-connected, ultra-sexualised feminism in order to question the ambivalent power of emancipation and oppression. The dancer inserts her new production into the continuity of her journey, taking inspiration from real, symbolic or fictional representatives to probe our (in)ability to act and engage ourselves. The solo highlights a contemporary confusion that seems to result from three factors: disillusionment with revolutions; the indomitable feeling of revolt and indignation, which searches for innovative ways to make an impact;
and the breakdown of the future, since it seems that the world ending is more likely than capitalism ending. Her work hinges on a triangulation between choreography, politics and aesthetics. A celebration of the body and spirit, which liberate themselves from imposed models!


Date Hour
Friday, January 31 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 1 7:00 pm


  • Tarif plein 15 €
  • 65ans et +, Professeurs Fédération W-B, Groupe 15 €
  • -30 ans, Demandeurs d’emploi, Professionnels du spectacle 9 €
  • Abonnement à partir de 3 spectacles 15 €


Chorégraphie, interprétation Mercedes Dassy
Dramaturgie, conseil artistique Sabine Cmelniski
Création sonore Clément Braive
Création lumière, scénographie Caroline Mathieu
Costumes, accessoires, scénographie Justine Denos
Collaboration dramaturgique Jill De Muelenaere
Répétitrice, regard extérieur Judith Williquet
Diffusion France Morin, Jill De Muelenaere /Arts Management Agency
Production déléguée Théâtre La Balsamine / Arts Management Agency
Coproduction Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre la Balsamine, Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Charleroi danse, Mars – Mons Arts de la Scène, La Coop asbl
Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles / Service Danse, de [e]utopia, du BAMP, de Shelterprod, de taxshelter.be, d’ING et du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique.


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