The seminary of the imaginary
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

A cycle of lectures, open to everyone, to (re)discover the great figures of popular fiction.

Organised by the BiLA (Bibliothèque des Littératures d’Aventures), the seminary of the imaginary tackles the genre literature from different points of view (patterns, figures, structures, stories, styles, discourses, etc.) based on the evocation of famous characters from popular fictions.

In a convivial and accessible manner, the historical and theoretical perspectives cross in these monthly encounters, open to everyone, which aim at initiating readers to new universes (detective, sci-fi, fantastic, romance, adventure…) to increase their knowledge and especially their willingness and their pleasure to read.

For this fifth season, the BiLA invited a series of lecturers specialized in the fields of literature, but also of comics, cinema and video games.

Unless said otherwise, the lectures are given in the Salle de la Grande main, under the bleachers, from 12.10 pm to 1.00 pm


Information and reservation for schools:

BiLA – Bibliothèque des Littératures d’Aventures

106, Voie de l’Air Pur – 4052 Beaufays

04/ 361 56 78 –


Date Hour
Thursday, April 27 12:10 pm


  • Plein tarif 31 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 26 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 13 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €
  • Free entrance

Good Sex

28.01.2025 07.02.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
A performance that sheds light on love and physical intimacy, skillfully playing with the theatrics of theater.

Le Firmament

05.02.2025 07.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
The gripping closed-door drama of twelve angry women.

Absalon, Absalon !

12.02.2025 13.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A plunge into the South of the United States, a mythical land where all hopes are welcome but rarely realized...

Les Larrons en baskets bleues

12.02.2025 14.02.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
A tender fable about the beauty of friendship, which infuses our lives with so many indispensable feelings to overcome obstacles.

Portrait de l’artiste après sa mort (France 41 - Argentine 78)

20.02.2025 22.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A theatrical investigation spanning two eras – the French occupation and the Argentine dictatorship – to pay tribute to artists crushed by authoritarian regimes.

Arsen & Fanfan

09.03.2025 15.03.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
Absurd humor and mischief around the ephemeral, mortality, and "suddenly there's nothing left."