
Compagnie 3637 {Liège}
10/02/2018 11/02/2018
  • Duration: 55'
  • Location : Centre Culturel Les Chiroux

From the age of 8

She doesn’t say that it’s true, she says that she remembers it. A jam jar, an odour, and a few photos liberate in her an avalanche of emotions which throw her back into her past. She dances with her memories, waltzes with her ghosts, and seeks reconciliation with her family, with herself, and with the child she once was. Mixing words and movements, body and live music Cortex addresses the impact of memory on individual construction. A real gem that sparkles in the heart of the sensitive individual.


Date Hour
Saturday, February 10 7:45 pm
Sunday, February 11 3:00 pm


  • Tarif plein 8 €
  • 65ans et+ 6 €
  • -30ans 6 €


Création collective Bénédicte Mottart, Coralie Vanderlinden, Philippe Lecrenier et Martin Mahaux

Mise en scène Baptiste Isaia

Interprétation Philippe Lecrenier, Bénédicte Mottart, Coralie Vanderlinden

Lumières et régie Damien Zuidhoek

Production Compagnie 3637

Coproduction le Centre Culturel Jacques Franck

Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service Danse


Également de la Compagnie 3637, le spectacle Des Illusions est présenté au CC Verviers / Espace Duesberg les 20 et 21/02/2018 (complet)



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