Dans l’amitié de mes genoux
Patrick Corillon et Dominique Roodthooft
- Duur: 1:00
- Location : le CORRIDOR
- Languages: Français
- Le dessous-dessus: the initiatory journey of a earthworm learning to walk on its own. (30 minutes)
- Intermission with crepes to taste
- Le cirque des montagnes: ancestral magics seek to exorcise climate disruptions. (30 minutes)
For further information regarding the CORRIDOR’s tours on December 24th and 25th in Belgium and abroad, please visit the website www.lecorridor.be or send an email to info@lecorridor.be to receive the newsletter.
Reservations: 04 227 77 92 or reservation.corridor@gmail.com (limited capacity)
- Adultes 10 €
- Enfants 5 €
Conception, Writing, Set Design Patrick Corillon
Artistic Collaboration and Performance Dominique Roodthooft
Manufacturing of Game Boards Coline Firket, Valérie Perin, Axel Serveaux
Graphic Design and Digital Animation Assistance Raoul Lhermitte
Production le CORRIDOR
Coproduction Mars – Mons arts de la scène, Communauté d’Agglomération Mont Saint Michel-Normandie
Support Fondation Jan Michalski pour l’écriture et la littérature, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service Théâtre, Région wallonne / Service Emploi, Action sociale, Province de Liège / Service culture