
Mamela Nyamza {Cape Town}
01/02/2018 02/02/2018
  • Duration: 60'
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

With this duet, that Mamela Nyamza composes herself alongside Aphiwe Livi, the South African Choreographer and performs a bold and daring act that guillotines categorization, prejudices, and limits of all kinds. Her performative art harvests the painful history of South Africa and probes the misery of Blacks still healing their wounds a quarter of a century after the birth of the rainbow nation. Mamela Nyamza charges religion with perverse oppression and the division that infiltrates her scarred people. Her uncompromising analysis views Christianity as a vector of domination and exploitation that emanates a dull violence. Upon rhythmically contagious songs, the protagonists traverse the multi-identity reality of a southern Africa suffocating from a deleterious situation. She is an exquisite dancer bursting with energy!


Date Hour
Thursday, February 1 9:00 pm
Friday, February 2 9:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 12 €


Conception, création et chorégraphie Mamela Nyamza

Interprétation Mamela Nyamza et Aphiwe Livi

Lumières et espace Buntu Thyali

Musique & arrangements Chanteuse Oyama Mbopa / Indumiso 84, hymne de l’Église presbytérienne sud-africaine & chant de protestation Asephelelanga (ANC)

Costume Shiba Sopotela



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