Last minute

Adrien M & Claire B
06/11/2024 09/11/2024
  • Duur: 30'
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert


Time is a relative experience; it stretches or shortens according to our life experiences, and hours can pass in the blink of an eye when some seconds feel eternal. In an immersive installation – reminiscent of the early functions of theater: producing a shared emotion –, Claire Bardainne and Adrien Mondot imagine a symbolic, interactive, and collective experience around the stretching of a minute, the one just before crossing the threshold, before dying or being born, like the shift between before and after, the narrative of a transformation.

! Some short sequences may affect photosensitive epileptic persons !



Date Hour
Thursday, November 7 10:00 am SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 11:00 am SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 12:00 pm SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 1:30 pm SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 2:30 pm SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 3:30 pm SCHOOL
Thursday, November 7 5:00 pm Book
Thursday, November 7 6:00 pm Book
Thursday, November 7 7:00 pm Book
Thursday, November 7 8:00 pm Book
Thursday, November 7 9:00 pm Book
Friday, November 8 10:00 am SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 11:00 am SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 12:00 pm SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 1:30 pm SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 2:30 pm SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 3:30 pm SCHOOL
Friday, November 8 5:00 pm Book
Friday, November 8 6:00 pm Book
Friday, November 8 7:00 pm Book
Friday, November 8 8:00 pm Book
Friday, November 8 9:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 1:30 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 2:30 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 3:30 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 5:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 6:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 7:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 8:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 9 9:00 pm Book



Concept, artistic direction, images and scenography Claire Bardainne, Adrien Mondot
Music score and sound concept Olivier Mellano
Computer design and development Adrien Mondot, Loïs Drouglazet
Technical management Jean-Marc Lanoë
Outside eye Stéfanie James
Set up Loïs Drouglazet, Jean-Marc Lanoë, Yannick Moréteau alternating
Special thanks to Paul Brossier, Pierre-Yves Mansour
Administration Marek Vuiton, assisted by Mathis Guyetand
Technical direction Raphaël Guénot
Production and booking Joanna Rieussec, assisted by Adèle Béhar
Production Margaux Fritsch, Delphine Teypaz, Juli Allard-Schaefer
Production Adrien M & Claire B
Les Champs Libres, Rennes
Théâtre-Sénart, Scène Nationale, Lieusaint
Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse, Paris

Fonds [SCAN] – Préfet de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : plan de sauvegarde du spectacle vivant 2020-2021
Avec la participation du DICRéAM – Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée

The Adrien M & Claire B Company is subsidized and accredited by DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and is supported by the City of Lyon.



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