Detours Cyphers 2024

  • Location : Parc de la Boverie

For several years, the Théâtre de Liège has been hosting Detours Cyphers*, an event dedicated to urban dance that shines a spotlight on the city and its artists.

Detours Cyphers is scheduled for Saturday, August 31, 2024, as part of Retrouvailles, the essential event in Liège, set in the beautiful and peaceful setting of Parc de la Boverie.

In the first part, the stage is open to spontaneous demonstrations and works in progress by local artists, both professionals and amateurs.

Then, it’s time for the Battles All Style! This urban dance competition welcomes all styles and allows the audience to be the jury. Votes are cast by a show of hands using colored cards. You will qualify the dancers who will participate in the grand finale organized in Brussels, on the stage of the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.

And finally, the Open Cypher, a festive closing where everyone can express themselves freely on stage. An evening marked by the virtuosity and joy that dancing brings!

*Cypher: a circle formed by performers in which each expresses themselves in freestyle.


Date Hour
Saturday, August 31 6:00 pm


  • Free


Supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Charleroi danse, Théâtre de Liège.



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