19/03/2019 24/03/2019
  • Location : Théâtre de Liège

It is already time for the eighth edition of Festival Émulation, a vital professional lever made available by young theatre performers from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The windfall is also to be used for the public, who will be able to devote their interest and curiosity to the works of a rising generation, while vivifying its engagement with living art. A jury composed of international programmers will award the Prix Émulation, given out by the association des Amis du Théâtre de Liège.  A second jury composed of students from the Province de Liège secondary school will award the Coup de Coeur. Over a week, Théâtre de Liège will give the floor to young emerging artists and put seven of their creations on the stage, thus making them part of the programme.



Char d’assaut – Simon Thomas

({:}) imprononçable – Lorette Moreau

Quelques rêves oubliés – Camille Panza

Ashes to Ashes – Simon Wauters

Si c’était un spectacle – Birsen Gülsu

PARC – Collectif La Station

We should be dancing – Emilienne Flagothier


Avec le soutien du Club des Entreprises partenaires du Théâtre de Liège 




Date Hour
Tuesday, March 19 7:00 pm


Salle de la Grande Main
The swirling movements of the famous whirling dervishes modernized by the fervor of Ziya Azazi in a flamboyant show.

Detours Cyphers 2024

Parc de la Boverie
An event dedicated to urban dance that sheds light on the city and its artists.

L'Arbre à clous

22.09.2024 04.10.2024
Salle de l'Œil vert
A votive vigil inspired by an ancient Walloon tradition still alive today, which reactivates the powers of our imaginations.

Le Garage inventé

22.09.2024 28.09.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
Blending theatre and film, Claude Schmitz's Le Garage inventé is a total spectacle.


02.10.2024 04.10.2024
La Cité Miroir
The journey of an infinitely courageous woman, ready to face all dangers to protect her child and save herself.


04.10.2024 05.10.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
The incomparable masterpiece of James Joyce, Ulysses, adapted for the theater to elevate the most mythical of literary odysseys.