
Albert Quesada {Barcelona}
  • Duration: 70'
  • Location : cultuurcentrum, Hasselt

In this work of contemporary flamenco, Albert Quesada sets out in search of the origins and essence of this complex form of passionate singing and dancing. This is the first large-scale production by the young Spanish choreographer, who shifts the driving force of flamenco to other types of movement and musicality to invoke new meanings. The impetus of flamenco, which is an intrinsic part of sharing the innermost workings of the human soul, is mixed with popular clothing and musical references that are pushed to their full expressive power in a very daring way. Seven devilishly charismatic dancers bear witness to spectacular imagination and energy through choral fragments, solos and the surprising relationship that forms between them. This fiery show exudes youth, emotion and humour. Olé!


Date Hour
Tuesday, February 1 12:00 am


  • Tarif unique (navette incluse) 25 €


Covid Safe Ticket REQUIS


Idée, chorégraphie et mise en scène Albert Quesada

Assistante de mise en scène Claudia SolWat

Interprété par Blanca Tolsá, Eliott Marmouset, Mario G. Sáez, Katie Vickers, Laila Tafur, Víctor Pérez Armero, Viktoria Andersson

Création avec les interprètes + Miquel Fiol

Conception sonore Rafael Cañete, Julián D’Avino, Carlos Parra

Scénographie et éclairage Cube.bz

Costumes Jorge Dutor, Txell Janot

Dramaturgie Albert Pérez Hidalgo, Pau Masaló

Merci à Mireia de Querol

Production Mercat de les Flors

Coproduction La Quinzena

Avec le soutien de la Fundació Pública Teatre de la Llotja

Résidences artistiques Usine artistique El Graner et Fundació Pública Teatre de la Llotja

Avec la collaboration de la Fundació Banc Sabadell

Remerciements Kosmonaut Production



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Detours Cyphers 2024

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L'Arbre à clous

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Salle de l'Œil vert
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Le Garage inventé

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Salle de la Grande Main
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La Cité Miroir
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Salle de la Grande Main
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