Je suis une montagne

Eric Arnal Burtschy
13/11/2024 16/11/2024
  • Duur: 1:00
  • Location : Salle des Nouvelles Têtes



What would it be like to be a tree, a rock, or a mountain? To feel the passage of centuries and seasons? In an immersive and sensory experience, “I am a Mountain” transforms the stage into pristine nature, invaded by cold and heat, wind and rain, by the scents of plains and deserts, the lights of dawns and dusks. Wandering on stage, the spectator is invited to let the elements pass through them, not to protect themselves from them, not to control them, but to let go and become a tree, a rock, or a mountain.

It actually rains on the audience in I Am a Mountain. Rain gear is provided, but it is recommended to bring light clothing for the performance, as well as a change of clothes and a towel.




Design, creation Éric Arnal-Burtschy
Sound creation Thomas Turine
Scent creation URCOM, Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Laboratory, University of Le Havre
Technical direction Eloi Saniez
Chief electrician Marc Duchateau
Programming Kevin Alf Jaspar & Pascal Demez – DRUW_Audio
Production BC Pertendo & Zoé Siemen
Distribution and project development AD LIB. / Artist support & distribution
Production BC Pertendo
Co-production DRAC Hauts-de-France – Ministry of Culture, Hauts-de-France Region, Pas-de-Calais Department, Théâtre de Liège, Le 9-9bis – Oignies, National Choreographic Centre of Grenoble, Le Volcan – National Stage of Le Havre, Chroniques / Marseille, La Croisée / Professional Meetings of Live Performance in Hauts-de-France, Théâtre la Vignette – Paul-Valéry University Montpellier 3
With the support of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès Partners De Grote Post – Oostende, workspacebrussels, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles & La Ménagerie de Verre – Paris, L’Oiseau-Mouche – Roubaix, Le Gymnase CDCN, B A M P – Brussels, Maison du Théâtre d’Amiens & Le Safran – Scène conventionnée d’Amiens Métropole, Boom’Structur – Choreographic Hub

Éric Arnal-Burtschy is in residence at Théâtre de Liège (2024-2028)


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