Just my luck

Katherine Longly et Cécile Hupin
01/10/2023 21/10/2023
  • Location : Salle des pieds Légers


Katherine Longly is a photographer and visual artist. Cécile Hupin is a director and author. They have a shared taste for true stories and encounters, and humorously create hybrid projects that reflect extraordinary realities, in order to fiercely reveal the aberrations of our world.

Human beings have always hoped for a miracle to transform their existence. The intention of lottery games has transformed pure fantasy into something possible. Draw, scratch and there you have it. A vast majority Belgians play games of chance. All it takes is a little luck for our wishes to come true. This exhibition aims to confront fantasy with reality, by bringing together a series of testimonials from winners, losers and their loved ones.


Date Hour
Saturday, October 7 3:00 pm
Saturday, October 14 3:00 pm
Saturday, October 21 3:00 pm


  • Gratuit, sur réservation


Opening on 1/10 at 2:00 PM

Guided tours on Saturdays at 3:00 PM

Exhibition open Tuesday to Saturday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM and on the evenings before each performance


Conception Katherine Longly et Cécile Hupin

Coproduction Théâtre de Liège

Soutiens Centre Tour à Plomb, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles

Cécile Hupin est accueillie en compagnonnage au Théâtre de Liège (2024-2028).



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