La décision – Les Enfants du monde à venir

Vincent Hennebicq et Marine Horbaczewski
15/01/2025 17/01/2025
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

In a future where the planet is parched, where migratory movements have led to endless wars, where works that kept traces of history have disappeared, where humanity has become sterile and each birth is welcomed as a true miracle, the surviving humans have built refuge stations in orbit to welcome young children, protect them, raise them, and thus establish a new humanity.

In one of these refuge stations, a dozen children, placed by their parents for their survival, tell each other stories, practice music, and listen to the stories of a humanoid – who holds the memory of the world – tasked with educating them. But when a new child arrives in the refuge, certainties collapse one after the other…

A futuristic and musical fable, “La Décision – Les Enfants du monde à venir” takes us on a memorable and joyful post-apocalyptic journey, where children and parents share their fears and regrets, their hopes and aspirations for the future, to finally act together and change the future that awaits us. After all, isn’t the only question to ask which planet we will leave to our children?


Date Hour
Wednesday, January 15 7:00 pm Book Post-show discussion
Thursday, January 16 7:00 pm Book
Friday, January 17 1:30 pm School
Friday, January 17 7:00 pm Book


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Cast Jean-Baptiste Szézot, Claudie Alby, Milla Baily, Suzy Chariot Szézot, Albane Delaere, Timothé Grimonpont, Emile Guarini De Ridder, Adam Rharouss, Lydia Souza, Sophia Souza, Eloïse Walem

Writer and Director Vincent Hennebicq

Musical Composition Marine Horbaczewski

Children’s Workshops Marine Horbaczewski, Jean-Baptiste Szézot

Set Design, Lighting, and Video Creation Giacinto Caponio

Sound Creation Olivia Carrère

Costume Creation Emilie Jonet

Dramaturgy Collaboration Julia Huet Alberola

Sound Engineer Benoit Pelé (alternating with Célia Naver)

Lighting Engineer Julien Vernay

Video Engineer Gauthier Roumagne

Stage Manager Ondine Delaunois

Illustrations Mathilde Wauters and the children

Photos Céline Chariot

Set Construction and Costume Making Ateliers du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Production Popi Jones asbl

Coproduction Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre de Namur, Maison de la culture de Tournai, Théâtre de Liège, La Coop ASBL, Shelter Prod

Financial Support, ING, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, and WBTD



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