L’École des Maîtres

Claudio Tolcachir
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert

École des Maîtres is a theatrical training programme dedicated to young actors who are already working professionally. It aims to exchange skills regarding directing methods and practices through yearly travelling workshops, which are led by the greatest directors of our time (Christiane Jatahy, Tiago Rodriguez, Angélica Liddell, etc.).


Date Hour
Thursday, September 8 8:00 pm


  • Entrée libre sur réservation


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Laura Ughetto (BE)

Lénaïc Brulé (BE)

Paul Mosseray (BE)

Sarah Espour (BE)

Ana Maria Haddad Zavadinac (F)

Isabel Aimé Gonzalez Sola (F)

Julien Desmarquest Prada (F)

Ophélie Trichard (F)

Christian di Filippo (IT)

Daniele Cavone Felicioni (IT)

Lucia Marinsalta (IT)

Viola Carinci (IT)

Ana Baptista (PT)

Eduardo Molina (PT)

Filipa Carloto Matta e Silva (PT)

Lùcia Pires (PT)

Claudio Tolcachir – Maître

Hugo Samek – Assistant

Nicoletta Oscuro – Assistant/org

Mauro Fontana – Technicien




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