Lecture Sander Veenhof
Auteur & Metteur en scène Compagnie Unetelle
- Duur: 90'
- Location : PXL-MAD, School of Arts
Sander Veenhof is an independent developer of formats based on the interactions between the virtual and physical domain. After working with augmented reality for years, he is currently creating multi-user VR experiments. The opportunity to reach an audience anywhere and to plunge him into augmented reality or virtual reality thanks to the smartphone, is a real fascination for Sander Veenhof. In addition, he questions the increasing impact of technology on our society, radically transforming our personal lives. His creations foster an alternative approach to technology by focusing on fiction, co-presence rather than remote connection and preference for low-tech solutions, and lead to intense immersive experiences.
Free admission
- Entrée Libre
Organization PXL-MAD ism CCHasselt
Extra : Masterclass for arts students (also open to computer science students or engineers)
For more information & registration: info@frame-research.be