L’ombre du scarabée
Patrick Corillon (Liège) Soixante minutes pour se bercer d’illusions
- Duur: 60'
- Location : Salle de l’Œil vert
In homage to Robertson (1763-1837), a Liège master of phantasmagoria, this creation plunges us into the center of pure imagination, the one that abolishes the frontiers of time and the human understanding. This journey has as its guide a man of no age who, thanks to his particular relationship to reality, can take spectators to the country of sword-swallowing men-crocodiles, chain-rats, tightrope walkers or snakes to the hand that sees. Revisiting the towers of barkers and other fun fairgrounds, the show uses a cutting-edge technology called Visual Syntax Recognition. Currently developed at the University of Liège, its function is to generate images in real time as accurately as possible a story told. The Shadow of the Scarabea will surely rock you with illusions.
- - 26 ans 8 €
- Tarif réduit 15 €
- Tarif plein 19 €
Written, design and performed by Patrick Corillon
Artistic collaboration Dominique Roodthooft
Graphic support Raoul Lhermitte, Joao Miguel Ramos
- Directed byPatrick Corillon
- Animation Raoul Lhermitte, Joao Miguel Ramos
- MusicMarin Marais, Pieces of Viola (book II), César Franck, The Organist et Choral n°3, Alfred Hollins, Opening of concert n°2, Maciej Zolnowski, Japanese quartet
Set design Théâtre de Liège, Rüdiger Flörke
Book binding David Cauwe
Production Théâtre de Liège
A book edited by Éditions du CORRIDOR accompanies the show