Arkadi Zaides (France) Performance / Avant-première
- Duur: +-60'
- Location : Cité Miroir
For over a quarter of a century, “UNITED for Intercultural Action”, a network of hundreds of anti-racist organizations from all around Europe, has been compiling a list registering 36,570 deaths of refugees and migrants who have attempted to reach Europe since 1993. Such disasters are usually handled with a standardized almost automatic institutional response: pathologists and forensic experts are deployed to collect medical and biological data from bodies and from living relatives in order to enable identification. However, this procedure has not been followed for most of the victims of the current migration crisis at the gates of Europe. At the bottom of the sea, on the shores, and inland, a mass of decomposed bodies and body parts tells the story of a collective whose ghost hovers over European territory. For their research, Arkadi Zaides and his team delve into the practice of forensics to conceive a new virtual database documenting the remains of those whose death is to this day mostly unacknowledged. This growing archive, this map, this site named NECROPOLIS is stretching in all directions across space and time, interrelating the mythologies, histories, geographies, movements, and anatomies of those who have been granted entrance to the city of the dead.
- Plein tarif 15 €
- 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 15 €
- -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 9 €
- Groupe scolaire 8 €
- -15ans 7 €
- Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €
Concept & direction Arkadi Zaides
Dramaturgy Igor Dobricic
Research assistant Emma Gioia
Performers Arkadi Zaides, Emma Gioia
Searchers Aktina Stathaki, Amber Maes, Ans Van Gasse, Arkadi Zaides, Benjamin Pohlig, Carolina-Maria Van Thillo, Doreen Kutzke, Elvura Quesada, Emma Gioia, Frédéric Pouillaude, Gabriel Smeets, Giorgia Mirto, Gosia Juszczak, Igor Dobricic, Joris Van Imschoot, Julia Asperska, Juliane Beck, Maite Zabalza, Maria Sierra Carretero, Mercedes Roldan, Myriam Van Imschoot, Myrto Katsiki, Pepa Torres Perez, Sarah Leo, Simge Gücük, Sunniva Vikør Egenes, Yannick Bosc, Yari Stilo
Administration & production Simge Gücük / Institut des Croisements
International distribution Key Performance
Coproduction Théâtre de la Ville (FR), Montpellier Dance Festival (FR), Charleroi Danse (BE), CCN2 Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble (FR)
Residency support CCN – Ballet de Lorraine (FR), STUK (BE), PACT Zollverein (DE), WP Zimmer (BE), Worksp acebrussels (BE), Cie THOR (BE), PimOff, Milan (IT), Co-laBo at Les Ballets C de la B (BE)
Support for experimentation RAMDAM, UN CENTRE D’ART (FR) Arkadi Zaides / Institut des Croisements is supported by French Ministry of Culture – DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes