On n’y arrivera pas tout seuls

Les Jeunes Talents de l’ESAC / Bruxelles et du Conservatoire / Liège pour la soirée de Gala des Amis du Théâtre de Liège
  • Duration: en création
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

Under the direction of Christophe Morisset, the acrobats of the Superior School of Circus Arts of Brussels and the musicians of the Royal Conservatory of Liege will meet, during a workshop spread over a few weeks, to compose a series of committed numbers. With the passion of their youth, away from professional standards and the search for freedom, they will rise to the challenge of combining their disciplines. In the circus as in music, the supreme enhancement of the performance of the soloist must deal with the unavoidable reality of cooperation in creation and representation. The time of a show, thirty students of Belgian art colleges will combine their specialties and their high technicality to imagine modes of scenic cooperation based on complementarity, community and solidarity, without fading individualities. They will develop an orchestral vision of artistic practice as a metaphor for a better world. A utopia ? No, rather a question of choice.

Design and interpretation The acrobats of the Brussels Circus School of Arts and the musicians of the Royal Conservatory of Liège


Date Hour
Friday, May 18 8:00 pm


  • Spectacle + réception 40 €
  • - 26 ans 25 €


Salle de la Grande Main
The swirling movements of the famous whirling dervishes modernized by the fervor of Ziya Azazi in a flamboyant show.

Detours Cyphers 2024

Parc de la Boverie
An event dedicated to urban dance that sheds light on the city and its artists.

L'Arbre à clous

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Salle de l'Œil vert
A votive vigil inspired by an ancient Walloon tradition still alive today, which reactivates the powers of our imaginations.

Le Garage inventé

22.09.2024 28.09.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
Blending theatre and film, Claude Schmitz's Le Garage inventé is a total spectacle.


02.10.2024 04.10.2024
La Cité Miroir
The journey of an infinitely courageous woman, ready to face all dangers to protect her child and save herself.


04.10.2024 05.10.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
The incomparable masterpiece of James Joyce, Ulysses, adapted for the theater to elevate the most mythical of literary odysseys.