Play with me

Éric Arnal-Burtschy
03/02/2024 16/02/2024
  • Location : B3 – Centre de ressources et de créativité de la Province de Liège

Installation en mouvement


Free access, Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00 and Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00


An art installation evoking the playground of our childhood, Play with me is conceived as a place for meeting and sharing, inspired by our natural tendency to always want to touch, experiment and have fun.


For this playful, interactive installation, Éric Arnal-Burtschy gives us swings, seesaws and roundabouts, which produce a certain rhythm, a certain melody, a certain harmony, and whose different combinations offer infinite possibilities to compose short, joyful and fun musical pieces. By creating a collective and spontaneous experience, Play with me offers everyone the possibility – musicians and non-musicians alike – to free themselves from social considerations to chat, play, compose together and meet each other under the auspices of music.




  • Accès libre



Conception Eric Arnal-Burtschy

Design Laura Muyldermans

Conception musicale Chapelier fou

Ingénieur structure Dirk Jaspaert–BAS bvba

Ingénieur électronique Sylvain Hochede

Construction Maxime Prananto

Direction technique Grégory Mortelette

Régie tournée Romain Gintzen

Diffusion Zoé Siemen

Production BC Pertendo & Still Tomorrow

Coproduction Région Hauts-de-France, La Rose des vents – Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Ascq, Next Festival, Le Gymnase / Roubaix – Centre de développement chorégraphique national, De GrotePost – Oostende, Scène nationale d’Orléans, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture et du paysage de Lille

Avec le soutien de la DRAC Hauts-de-France (aide à la structuration)

Accueil avec le soutien de l’Ambassade de France en Belgique via le Fonds France Belgique


Eric Arnal-Burtschy est accueilli en compagnonnage au Théâtre de Liège (2024-2028)





23.01.2025 25.01.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A torrent of furious energy to break the chains of patriarchy and ignite the feminist revolt!

Good Sex

28.01.2025 07.02.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
A performance that sheds light on love and physical intimacy, skillfully playing with the theatrics of theater.

Le Firmament

05.02.2025 07.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
The gripping closed-door drama of twelve angry women.

Absalon, Absalon !

12.02.2025 13.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A plunge into the South of the United States, a mythical land where all hopes are welcome but rarely realized...

Les Larrons en baskets bleues

12.02.2025 14.02.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
A tender fable about the beauty of friendship, which infuses our lives with so many indispensable feelings to overcome obstacles.

Portrait de l’artiste après sa mort (France 41 - Argentine 78)

20.02.2025 22.02.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A theatrical investigation spanning two eras – the French occupation and the Argentine dictatorship – to pay tribute to artists crushed by authoritarian regimes.