Punch Life

Gwladys Constant / Baptiste Isaia
23/04/2024 25/04/2024
  • Duur: 1h20
  • Location : Centre Culturel Les Chiroux

Les Ateliers de la Colline adapt Le Mur des apparences by Gwladys Constant in dual form: Punch Life, a musical and theatrical show, and Punch Live.

At school, Justine acts as though she were in a jungle. Once she walks through the gates, she camouflages herself for protection. She is silent and always fades into the background when faced with the ‘hyenas’, yet everything inside of her roars about her need to exist. However, this hostile day-to-day is shattered when Margot, the queen of the school and social media, commits suicide. Justine is in shock: why kill yourself when you have everything? As she investigates, she will discover what lies behind appearances.


Date Hour
Wednesday, April 24 8:00 pm


  • Tout public 9 €
  • Scolaire 6 €


Ages 13 and up

Bookings at cc Chiroux


Arsen & Fanfan

09.03.2025 15.03.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
Absurd humor and mischief around the ephemeral, mortality, and "suddenly there's nothing left."

Une traversée

09.03.2025 14.03.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
The show is canceled.


20.03.2025 21.03.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
A grand choral narrative that tells the story of these shadow workers around the globe, these exceptional seamstresses, patternmakers, embroiderers, at the moment when, a…

Salon Saphir

25.03.2025 05.04.2025
Salle de l'Œil vert
A solo performance in the realm of the dead and soft sandwiches.


28.03.2025 29.03.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
The celebration of the forgotten women in the history of music, their voices with countless nuances, to do justice to their fabulous harmonies.

Mère courage

09.04.2025 11.04.2025
Salle de la Grande Main
Bertolt Brecht's famous text, translated by the rising star of the Flemish stage Lisaboa Houbrechts, into a unique multilingual, musical, and visual universe.