Sauvez Bâtard

Thymios Fountas
16/04/2023 22/04/2023
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert

This urban, science-fiction fable takes place between a vanishing sky and gives a voice to Bâtard, Cafard, Clébard and Clochard, street scum and inhabitants and pests of the cities’ in-betweens. Written in a queer, altered composite language, this piece by Thymios Fountas showcases the low-key, the small, the shameful, the abandoned, the bizarre and the freaks in a poetic and quirky way. A tragi-comic song about laughing at the loss of a love and making the most of what remains. But what remains at the end of the day?


Date Hour
Sunday, April 16 4:00 pm
Tuesday, April 18 9:00 pm
Wednesday, April 19 9:00 pm
Thursday, April 20 9:00 pm
Friday, April 21 9:00 pm
Saturday, April 22 9:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 15 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 15 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 9 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €




Écriture et mise en scène Thymios Fountas

Avec Alizée Gaie, Alix·ce Bisotto, Chloé Larrère, Lode Thiery et Samuel Van der Zwalmen

Assistanat à la mise en scène Anna Solomin et Astrid Akay

Création musicale et sonore Jan Wallyn

Scénographie Cee Füllemann

Costumes et accessoires Sharlotta Seeligmüller

Création lumières Alice De Cat

Diffusion Marie-Sophie Zayas

Production déléguée Clinic Orgasm Society

Coproduction Théâtre de Liège et Théâtre Varia

Soutiens Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, le CORRIDOR, Maison Poème, Centre des arts scéniques, La Chaufferie-Acte 1, Iles asbl – Artist project, Le Boson, festival Look’IN OUT, festival Cocq’arts, Ateliers Mommen, La Maison qui chante, le CED-WB et La Bellone – Maison du spectacle



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Detours Cyphers 2024

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L'Arbre à clous

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Salle de l'Œil vert
A votive vigil inspired by an ancient Walloon tradition still alive today, which reactivates the powers of our imaginations.

Le Garage inventé

22.09.2024 28.09.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
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La Cité Miroir
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Salle de la Grande Main
The incomparable masterpiece of James Joyce, Ulysses, adapted for the theater to elevate the most mythical of literary odysseys.