Sortir du noir

Mary Jimenez et Bénédicte Liénard
13/03/2019 15/03/2019
  • Duration: 50 min
  • Location : Salle des pieds Légers

“Sortir du noir” was designed by film makers Mary Jimenez and Bénédicte Liénard. This work involves a sharp and sensitive reflection on the reality of migratory flows and in particular by the question of the duty of burial. The presentation of Sortir du noir will take place in a space where the spectator will be close to the actor, including him in the scenography, thus creating a form of travel. The scenographer Sabine Theunissen will work to include the audience in an intimate reflection on the question of burial, the soil strewn with sand, projections of sea on the walls, etc. to immerse yourself fully in the sensitive and powerful universe of the two directors.


The presentation will include a sample of the stories collected in Tunisia as well as other testimonials collected by the two project leaders. The show will be intentionally short in order to best convey the intensity of the subject, creating an intimate situation without creating discomfort. The notion of an interaction between image, sound and live performance will be at the service of the delicate subject of the burial duty. The show will mix images and stories to best represent this reflection. The theatre stage becomes a place of speech for the forgotten.


Date Hour
Wednesday, March 13 6:00 pm
Thursday, March 14 7:00 pm
Friday, March 15 1:30 pm
Friday, March 15 7:00 pm


  • Gratuit sur réservation


Metteures en scène Bénédicte Liénard et Mary Jimenez

Interprètes Estelle Franco et Jaouad Alloul

Scénographie Sabine Theunissen

Images et montage Bénédicte Liénard et Mary Jimenez

Création vidéo Aliocha Van der Avoort

Régie générale Kevin Jaspar

Production DC&J Création

En partenariat avec le Théâtre de Liège

The Atlas of Transitions Project is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union






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