
Julian Hetzel & Ntando Cele
15/11/2024 16/11/2024
  • Duur: 1:30
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main


What if empathy was harmful? What if empathy never changed power structures but, on the contrary, reinforced existing privileges? In a performance that explores the entanglements between racism and capitalism, Julian Hetzel and Ntando Cele push the limits of empathy to question how the identity, cultural baggage, and personal lives of artists have become very valuable resources in the art market. Has the trauma of some become the golden city of others?



Date Hour
Friday, November 15 7:00 pm Book
Saturday, November 16 7:00 pm Book


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Design Julian Hetzel, Ntando Cele
Direction Julian Hetzel
Performance Ntando Cele
Dramaturgy Miguel Angel Melgares
Artistic advice Sodja Lotker, Khanyisile Mbongwa
Music and composition Frank Wienk
Lighting design Nico de Rooij
Technical coordination Vincent Beune, Aengus Havinga
Technicians Tom Doeven, Simon Kelaita, Bea Verbeek, Wout Jansen
Technical solutions Merijn Versnel, Guido Bevers
Production manager Marieke van den Bosch
Production Cape Town Lungile Mbongwa
Gallerist Cape Town Mpilo Ngcukana
Production assistant Jana Riese
Costume assistant Merel van Erpers Roijaards
Mask artist Carly Heathcote
Makeup Julia Markow
Props Saskia Hartog
Video documentation Reynold Reynolds, Bongeka Ngcobo
Video interpreter Revé Terborg
Production Studio Julian Hetzel
Co-production Schauspiel Leipzig (DE), CAMPO Gent (BE), Theatre Vidy-Lausanne (CH), SPRING Performing Arts Festival Utrecht (NL), Auawirleben Festival, Bern (CH)
Supported by Performing Arts Fund (NL), City of Utrecht (NL), Fonds21 (NL), Vriendenloterij Fund (NL), Culture Fund (NL), Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds (NL), Onassis AiR Athens (GR), 16 on Lerotholi Gallery (ZA)


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