
Ohad Naharin – Batsheva Dance Company
28/01/2016 29/01/2016
  • Duur: 70'
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

The Batsheva Dance Company was founded by the American choreographer Martha Graham and baroness Batsheva de Rotschild, whom the company was named after, and is now based in Tel-Aviv. Run by Ohad Naharin, leader of the Israeli contemporary dance and probably one of the greatest choreographers in the world, the company revisits the emblematic piece Three created in 2005. This triptych is based on musical choices which convey a particular atmosphere. In Bellus, the famous Goldberg Variations by Bach arouse a pure reflexive simplicity and organize this solo. Brian Eno’s uncluttered and meditative album Neroli creates the sound background in Humus in which the dancers move together and master their choreography perfectly. In Secus, the seventeen dancers play with boundaries like when we savour a moment of pleasure. On a tour through Europe, Three will be a special guest on the prestigious stage of the Opéra de Paris before performing at the Théâtre de Liège, its first appearance in Belgium.


Date Hour
Thursday, January 28 9:00 pm
Friday, January 29 9:00 pm



Directeur artistique Ohad Naharin Directeur général Dina Aldor Codirecteur artistique Adi Salant Manager Yaniv Nagar Directeur général des répétitions Luc Jacobs Costumes Rakefet Levy Lumières Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi) Sons Ohad Fishof   Musique Bellus J.S. Bach, Goldberg Variations, par Glenn Gould Humus Brian Eno (Neroli) Secus Chari Chari, Kid 606 + Rayon (mix: Stefan Ferry), AGF, Fennesz, Kaho Naa... Pyar Hai, Seefeel, The Beach Boys   Interprétation William Barry, Mario Bermudez Gil, Omri Drumlevich , Bret Easterling, Iyar Elezra , Hsin-Yi Hsiang, Rani Lebzelter , Rachael Osborne , Shamel Pitts, Oscar Ramos, Nitzan Ressler, Ian Robinson, Or Meir Schraiber, Maayan Sheinfeld, Zina (Natalya) Zinchenko, Adi Zlatin Thanks to Roi Itzhak Halevy for his contribution to the creative process   Création Batsheva Dance Company

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