Toutes les choses géniales

Duncan MacMillan / Françoise Walot
19/02/2019 24/02/2019
  • Duur: 1h15
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert

Written by Duncan MacMillan, adapted and staged by Françoise Walot, this story, as funny as it is moving, is that of a young boy whose mother makes a big mistake when he is seven. An inventive child, a number of nice things come to him and he writes them down in a list: the colour yellow, water fights, laughing so loud that milk comes out of your nose… On a pillow, the list is read, the miracle happens: his mother rediscovers her love for life. Through the evolution of this inventory, which he continues to expand today, our man reveals his robust existence of fights, pleasures, setbacks and surprises. In an apparent simplicity combined with a great subtlety of writing, the piece tackles depression and suicide frankly and rallies us on the unimaginable chance to be alive.


Date Hour
Tuesday, February 19 8:00 pm
Wednesday, February 20 7:00 pm
Thursday, February 21 8:00 pm
Friday, February 22 8:00 pm
Saturday, February 23 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 24 2:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Avec François-Michel van der Rest

Texte Duncan MacMillan

Mise en scène Françoise Walot

Traduction française Ronan Mancec

Adaptation François-Michel van der Rest et Françoise Walot

Son Noam Rzewski

Scénographie, costumes et accessoires Valérie Perin

Production Le Groupe®, Théâtre de Liège, DC&J Création avec le soutien du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral de Belgique et de Inver Tax Shelter. Avec l’aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service Théâtre


Le texte est représenté dans les pays de langue française par Renauld & Richardson, Paris, en accord avec Casarotto Ramsay & Associates, Londres.



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