The education department of the Theatre organises different activities to raise the public’s awareness of performing arts.

Activities about the shows

Activity leaders from the Theatre go to schools by simple request to prepare pupils to shows and plays and to give them the keys to understand them. Specific files in French (“Cahiers pédagogiques”) will be available in August when the theatre reopens.

Visits to the theatre

Visits to the theatre allow the pupils to discover what is going on backstage and in the workshops and to know more about the different jobs linked to the theatre. They can be adapted to the teachers’ specific requests. This activity depends on the availability of the rooms.
Price: 2€

Longer thematic activities according to the decree « Culture-Enseignement » of the Communauté française 

These activities are meant to create a space for thinking, analysing, acting and dancing. They are organised in collaboration with school institutions. Specific files have to be filled twice a year. (Info :