
Le Vlard
23/04/2017 29/04/2017
  • Duration: 1h30
  • Location : Salle Régina

The Vlard has been working for two years in a hangar that was left unused for years and that no one wanted. Their costumes are made of remains of curtains, old clothes and recovered accessories. They collect raw materials and unused technical equipment to build their decor and light.

It is the idea to create a show about and with the remains of our common history.
It is the will to seize the past to question our time and its violence.


Date Hour
Sunday, April 23 4:00 pm
Tuesday, April 25 7:00 pm
Wednesday, April 26 7:00 pm
Thursday, April 27 7:00 pm
Friday, April 28 7:00 pm
Saturday, April 29 7:00 pm



Conception et scénographie Le Vlard

Jeu Delphine De Baere, Salim Djaferi, Bastien Montes, Marthe Wetzel

Mise en scène Clément Papachristou

Création lumière Octavie Piéron

Coproduction Le Vlard, Théâtre de Liège

Remerciements Le Corridor/Liège, Pierre Clément, Martine De Michele, Edith Bertholet et La Halte/Liège, le Service des tailleurs de pierres de la Ville de Liège.



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