Bate Fado

09/02/2024 10/02/2024
  • Duur: 110'
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

Creating a performance for the first time at the Théâtre de Liège, the Portuguese choreographers Jonas&Lander invite you on a journey, in the sunny, warm and intoxicating streets of Lisbon in the 19th century, when the Fado – which has today become a global music genre – was still associated with its own dance, inspired by the virtuoso, frenetic rhythm of tap dancing, the fado batido.

With four dancers, a fado singer and four musicians, BATE FADO is designed as a hybrid performance, the perfect fusion between a dance show and a real concert, as the magical moment when one would no longer just play the fado, one would dance it; a dance indissociable from the music, a dance in constant dialogue with voices, percussion and guitar, a dance that would give the fado back some of what it lost all too long ago: the joy of movement!





Date Hour
Friday, February 9 9:00 pm
Saturday, February 10 9:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 31 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 26 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 13 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €



Direction artistique et chorégraphie Jonas&Lander

Recherche Jonas et Lander Patrick

Avec Catarina Campos, Jonas, Lander Patrick, Lewis Seivwright et Melissa Sousa

Musiciens Yami Aloelela, Tiago Valentim, Acácio Barbosa, Hélder Machado, Jonas

Composition musicale Jonas&Lander

Conception lumières Rui Daniel

Direction technique et opération lumières Bruno Santos / Jean-Pierre Legout (en alternance)

Opération Sonore Filipe Peres / João Pedreira (en alternance)

Scénographie Rita Torrão

Costumes Fábio Rocha de Carvalho et Jonas

Chaussures Gradaschi

Assistance scénographie et costumes Fábio Rocha de Carvalho

Direction de production (2020-2022) Patrícia Soares

Maison de Production Associação Cultural Sinistra

Direction de Production et Diffusion Inês Le Gué

Administration Gabriel Lapas

Assistance à la Production: Margarida Silva

Coproduction Centro Cultural de Belém, Cine-Teatro Avenida, Teatro Académico Gil Vicente,

Teatro Municipal do Porto et Theater Freiburg

Résidence de coproduction O Espaço do Tempo

Soutien à la création Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, Estúdios Victor Córdon / OPART, Mala

Voadora et Pro.dança

Soutien à la recherche Casa-Museu Leal da Câmara, LIPA – Laboratório de Investigação de

Práticas Artísticas da Universidade de Coimbra et Museu Bordalo Pinheiro

Discographie Valentim de Carvalho

Projet soutenu par la République Portugaise – Culture I DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Artes



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