Cerebrum, le faiseur de réalités

  • Duration: 1h15
  • Location : Cité Miroir


Biophysicist specialized in brain plasticity and actor today, Yvain Juillard proposes us during a conference-spectacle to interrogate together the functioning of our brain. Seat of our memory, our perceptions, our identity and our free will, the brain, at the same time intimate and mysterious, remains unknown by most of us. The study of brain plasticity opens up a huge field as far as our own ability to be free or formatted. The fascination that the exploration of this organ generates is based on the hope that men will learn what they are and increase the definition of their existence. Through simple and amusing but disturbing experiences and examples, we will question the multiple nature of our realities. The complexity of the latest discoveries in neuroscience accessible to all.

The show will be followed by a dialogue with Yvain Juillard and Leandro Sanz,
doctor and doctoral student in the medical sciences of the Coma Science group,
based at GIGA Consciousness, ULiège, FNRS Fellow
and specialist of modified states of consciousness.



Date Hour
Tuesday, November 19 8:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 15 €
  • 65+/Carte prof FWB 15 €
  • -30ans/pro/demandeur d'emploi 9 €
  • -15ans 7 €


A program MNEMA asbl

For all - from 14 years

Concept and performance Yvain Juillard
Exterior Eye Olivier Boudon
Sound Marc Doutrepont
Stage manager and lighting Vincent Tandonnet
Graphic Robin Yerlès
Neuroscientific Councils Yves Rossetti (CRNL Lyon) and Dr. Céline Cappe (CNRS Toulouse)
Production, diffusion and press Isabelle Jans and Stéphanie Barboteau
Creation Faiseurs de réalités/Compagnie Yvain Juillard.
The stages that led to the show were supported by Théâtre de Namur/Centre Dramatique, le CORRIDOR and la Fabrique de Théâtre, Aube Boraine/Mons 2015, Théâtre de la Balsamine, Centre Culturel de Colfontaine, Théâtre Varia, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/ Multidisciplinary and transversal projects department and Wallonia-Brussels International. SACD grant 2015 “A ticket for Avignon”. Winner 2016 of a writing scholarship at the Chartreuse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon. 2020 winner of the Label of public utility – Service Public Francophone Bruxellois.




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