Clair obscur

Saïd Gharbi {Brussels}
  • Duur: 55'
  • Location : Ancien Abattoir / Eupen

Saïd Gharbi, an actor and dancer, lost his sight at the age of fourteen. How does one live with blindness? What is the part of blindness which slumbers in us all? Supported by the theatre director Ivan Vrambout, the artist draws from his biography and creates a magnificent show.  A show combining theatre and dance, to lead us without political cant into the realm of the blind. With gentle poetry and noble messages, Clair obscur scolds our relationship with appearances in a world where by trying to shine light everywhere we can no longer see clearly. Saïd Gharbi introduces us to the experimentation of space through the noises that fill it. This aesthetic and sensorial excursion makes us lose our bearings in order to heighten our perception of the real. In obscurity, light is elsewhere. We can see so much when we close our eyes.


For everyone from the age of 10, accessible to visually impaired spectators.



Date Hour
jeudi 22 février 20:00


  • Tarif plein 12 €
  • 65ans et+ 8 €
  • -30ans 8 €
  • Abo 5 spectacles 7.85 €


 Concept, jeu, danse Saïd Gharbi

Mise en scène Ivan Vrambout

Partenaire du jeu Ibrahim Tamditi alias Scott

Création lumière Koen Van Der Meersche

Création son Laurent Taquin et Mathias Janssens

Production Les BGM asbl


Figures, figures, figures

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Théâtre de Liège


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