
Bouchra Ouizguen / Carte Blanche
23/02/2018 24/02/2018
  • Duration: 60'
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

To finish out the festival on a high note, the Moroccan Choreographer, Bouchra Ouizguen, escorts us to the gates of the desert. Taking an unusual path, she leads the dancers of the Norwegian National Contemporary Dance Company, Carte Blanche. The themes of group survival and the form of the circle imposes themselves upon her. We rotate on our axis, gravitate around others, spin, swirl, spiral to traditional Moroccan percussion sounds, until exhaustion or drunkenness overcome us. How in this case, can we define a trajectory and follow it, fulfil our role, and remain focused, while we are snatched up by this tornado without beginning or end? The first step in the desert – the process – eliminate excess. In the desert, nothing is superfluous, there is only necessity, we are told by Bouchra Ouizguen, whose Jerada just won the Critique’s Award for best dance performance in Norway.


Date Hour
Friday, February 23 8:00 pm
Saturday, February 24 8:00 pm


  • Tarif plein 25 €
  • 65ans et+ 19 €
  • -30ans 8 €
  • Abo 5 spectacle 15 €


Concept et direction Bouchra Ouizguen

Interprétation Caroline Eckly, Irene Vesterhus Theisen, Guro Rimeslåtten, Olha Stetsyuk, Noam Eidelman Shatil, Daníel Mariblanca, Dawid Lorenc, Timothy Bartlett, Yousef Sbieh, Jack Lorenzten, Adrian Bartczak, Harald Beharie, Ole Martin Meland, Mathias Stoltenberg

Lumière Eric Wurtz

Costumes Bouchra Ouizguen

Musique Dakka Marrachkia Baba’s Band

Production Carte Blanche

Remerciement à Kabboura Aït Ben Hmad




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