Kamyon (Bressoux)

Michael De Cock / KVS
03/10/2018 06/10/2018
  • Duur: 55min
  • Location : Rue E.Malvoz




The piece is based on a text by the great Michael De Cock. A story from the point of view of a young girl, who illegally migrates with her mother and enters Europe, fleeing the war in her country and looking for a safe place to live. Located inside a trailer, the audience becomes the exceptional witnesses to a reality, that of illegal immigration. Switching between real and imaginary, grace and depth, the combination of the staging, scenography, live music and the stunning interpretation by Jessica Fanhan, makes this piece accessible to anyone aged over 8; a real gem of a show.


Date Hour
Wednesday, October 3 2:00 pm
Wednesday, October 3 7:00 pm
Saturday, October 6 3:00 pm
Saturday, October 6 7:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 15 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 15 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 9 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Avec Alice Spisa

Texte et mise en scène Michael De Cock

Concept et création Michael De Cock, Rudi Genbrugge, Mesut Arslan, Deniz Polatoglu

Dramaturgie Kristin Rogghe

Set design Stef Depover

Musique Enrique Noviello

Costumes Myriam Van Gucht

Film d’animation Deniz Polatoglu

Peinture Luca Kortekaas

Production KVS

Coproduction t,Arsenaal Mechelen, Platform 0090, Les Francophonies En Limousin, Ex-Ponto Festival Ljubljana, le projet européen Be SpectACTive! – CapoTrave/Kilowatt Sansepolcro (IT), Bakelit Multi Art Center Budapest (HU), Domino Zagreb (HR), LIFT London (UK), Tanec Praha (CZ), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO), York Theatre Royal (UK)

Soutien Les Territoires de la Mémoire, CCR/Liège












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