
Jeanne Dandoy
02/10/2024 04/10/2024
  • Duur: 1:10
  • Location : La Cité Miroir

In a dimly lit apartment, a young mother, strangely silent, wanders with a haunted air and urgently attends to daily tasks, while in an adjacent room, the sighs, frustrations, and annoyances of a man can be heard loudly, whose silhouette is never glimpsed but whose brutality and fury are palpable.

Trapped in this toxic home enveloped in deafening silence, where every noise suddenly becomes a source of anxiety and terror, this young mother with immense courage, driven by the desire to save her baby – whose breath brings sweetness and hope – from an environment that could one day be fatal to them, seeks by all means an escape, a way out, a passage from darkness to light, towards sunnier lands to take back control of her destiny and the course of her life.

In a stripped-down performance that economizes on words, at the border between theater and choreography, and borrows from the codes of cinematic narration, Jeanne Dandoy brings to the world with Merveille new stories, where women, too often conditioned to waiting and passivity, take action and reclaim a voice long confiscated.


Date Hour
Wednesday, October 2 7:00 pm Book
Thursday, October 3 1:30 pm SCHOOL
Thursday, October 3 7:00 pm Book
Friday, October 4 7:00 pm Book


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


With Amandine Laval, Jean Fürst, and a group of extras (in progress)

Written, directed, and dramaturgy Jeanne Dandoy

Assistant director Judith Ribardière

Choreography, special effects creation, and voice-over Jos Baker

Set design Amber Vandenhoeck

Assistant set design Charlotte Hermant

Lighting design Maria Dermitzaki

Costume and makeup design Emilie Jonet

Fairy costume creation Nicole Moris

Sound and music creation Harry Charlier, Maxime Glaude

General stage management Julien Desmet

Administration, production, and distribution by Valentine Siboni, Jenifer Rodriguez

Sign language coaching Seda Guektasch

Lighting and video stage management Geoffroy de Hasque, Matthieu Vergès

Sound stage management David Defour

Stage management Hadrien Jeangette

Integrated shooting in the set Margot Op de Beeck

Assistant directors Marion d’Hainaut, Héloïse Trioen

Video animation Hypercut

Production delegate Seriallilith

Set construction Ateliers du Théâtre de Liège

A show by Cie Seriallilith

Co-produced by Seriallilith, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre des Martyrs, La Coop, Shelter Prod

Support from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Theater Service, Cie MAPS / Writing Residency Enfants admis, in partnership with La Chaufferie, SACD, Center for Dramatic Writing

Supported by Tax, ING, Belgian Federal Government Tax Shelter


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