
Daniel Linehan {Brussels}
  • Duur: inconnue
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

Turning the discourse around environmental guilt on its head, the choreographer Daniel Linehan (who was born in American but lives in Brussels) takes his inspiration from the philosophical thoughts of Timothy Morton. Five dancers, including the incandescent Linehan himself, share the stage with a sound designer to question humanity, not for
its hegemony at the root of our ecological impasse, but for its interdependence with other species. Guided by the concepts of co-existence and symbiosis, each scenic element – movements, sounds, lights, scenography and costumes – occupies space before fading into it. The dance accentuates the fragile harmony in the framework of a continuum and strikes a balance between natural fluidity and immobility, the rigidity of written choreography and improvisation, solidarity and solitude, the perpetual movement of emergence and disappearance. A reconnection with life!


Date Hour
Tuesday, February 4 8:00 pm


  • Tarif plein 20 €
  • 65 ans et + Professeurs Fédération W-B Groupe 10 pers. min. 18 €
  • - 30 ans Demandeurs d’emploi Professionnels du spectacle 11 €
  • Abonnement à partir de 3 spectacles 16 €


Concept et chorégraphie Daniel Linehan
Création et interprétation Gorka Gurrutxaga Arruti, Anneleen Keppens, Daniel Linehan, Victor Pérez Armero, Michael Schmid, Louise Tanoto
Dramaturgie Alain Franco
OEil extérieur Michael Helland
Scénographie 88888
Costumes Frédéric Denis
Lumière Gregory Rivoux
Son Michael Schmid & Raphaël Hénard
Production Hiatus / Bruxelles
Coproduction deSingel International Arts Campus (Antwerp), Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans
Résidences deSingel International Arts Campus (Antwerp), STUK (Leuven), Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans, Cultuurhuis de Warande (Turnhout), Kaaitheater (Brussel), CC de Factorij (Zaventem)
Représentant international Damien Valette (Paris) Daniel Linehan, Hiatus est Creative Associate au deSingel Campus International des Arts et est soutenu par les autorités flamandes.


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