Sweet Sixteen

Auteur & Metteur en scène Casper Vandeputte / Alex Lorette / Berdine Nusselder

Following the success of Nadia, a short play about extremism and radicalisation by Daniel Van Klaveren, in 2017, which was performed in secondary school classes, the Théâtre de Liège is expanding this approach by establishing the Sweet Sixteen education project.

The original play was written in 2019 by Dutch author Casper Vandeputte for the Toneelmakerij theatre in Amsterdam. The show tackles the delicate theme of suicide among teenagers. After finding success in schools in The Netherlands, with more than 180 performances in classrooms, the Théâtre de Liège is offering a version in French, which has been translated by the Belgian author Alex Lorette. Berdine Nusselder’s staging mirrors the original process, namely a classroom performance, followed by one hour of discussions and activities carried out by mediation teams from the Théâtre de Liège, the artists and psychological and social support experts.


Avec Eva Papageorgiou et Aloula Watel
Texte Casper Vandeputte
Traduction française Alex Lorette
Mise en scène Berdine Nusselder
Construction des décors Ateliers du Théâtre de Liège
Coproduction Théâtre de Liège et DC&J Création
Soutien Centre des Arts Scéniques, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral de Belgique, Inver Tax Shelter, Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement



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