Cie Gilles Jobin & Artanim
16/11/2018 18/11/2018
  • Duur: 50min
  • Location : Salle des Nouvelles Têtes

The Swiss choreographer, Gilles Jobin invites us to a unique and astonishing experience. Fitted with a virtual reality headset, five spectators simultaneously and freely navigate a real space and interact with virtual dancers in a virtual world. With Artanim, a specialist in Real Virtuality technology, Gilles Jobin throws off our perception using effects of scale and breaks down the barriers between audience and dancer. An unheard feat in modern dance.  A meeting with your avatar!


Every 30 minutes


Date Hour
Friday, November 16 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 17 2:00 pm
Sunday, November 18 2:00 pm


  • Tarif unique 8 €


Chorégraphie Gilles Jobin

Danse Susana Panadés Díaz, Victoria Chiu, Diya Naidu, Gilles Jobin, Tidiani N’Diaye

Plateforme RV, technologie immersive, scans 3D & Capture de mouvement Artanim

Costumes & décors virtuels Jean-Paul Lespagnard

Environnement sonore Carla Scaletti

Directeur de production Camilo De Martino

Artiste 3D Tristan Siodlak

Editeur 3D Camilo De Martino

Artiste technique Rémy Maetz

Assistante du chorégraphe Susana Panadés Díaz

Directeur technique Hugo Cahn

Techniciens Hugo Cahn, Camilo De Martino

Production Cie Gilles Jobin Genève – Suisse

Coproduction Arsenic


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