We are in trouble

  • Duur: en création
  • Location : Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht

Uri Ivgi and Johan Greben, a duo of internationally acclaimed Israeli-Dutch choreographers, fashion their work as an expression of the beauty and emotional weight of life and suffering. We are in trouble reunites people whose past is too overwhelming to be remembered and keeps them shaken and in constant transit. They are attached to nothing and no one, except to each other. The exhaustion of the group anticipates and generates panic.  These men and women though always stay on the path without ever getting anywhere. That is, maybe they do, after all. Fluid movements, abstract gestures, poetry, and lively emotions populate these sculptural scenes which fall apart just as soon as they are composed. With rare sophistication, the dancers develop a body language that demands empathy and dissolves the invisible wall that separates us from their art.


Date Hour
Saturday, February 17 8:00 pm


  • Tarif unique 22 €


Avec Perle Cayron, Christiaan De Donder, Jochem Eerdekens, Mari Ishida, Fabian Modin, Robert Polmann, Theo Samsworth, Emma Välimäki

Concept Uri Ivgi et Johan Greben

Dramaturgie Judith Schoneveld

Musique Tom Parkinson

Décor Joshua Niessen

Costume Natasja Lanssen

Lumières Yaron Abulafia.

Avec le soutien de Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, VSBfonds



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