
Nicole Mossoux
  • Duration: 55'
  • Location : Salle de l’Œil vert

During her former performances, the choreographer and dancer Nicole Mossoux has learnt to tame puppets, shadows and manipulated objects. This time, she also uses Foley equipment, which echoes her haunted moves. On stage, she is alone. Or is she? Like a character from Vermeer’s work, she takes away animated shadows, hasty ghosts who appear to have shady intentions. Sooner or later, ancestors curl up inside us and lead us to vendettas we have forgotten what they were about. These invisible guests buzz inside us and reverberate inside the dance, which is as analytic as abstract. For thirty years, the duo Mossoux-Bonté has been going beyond the obvious world so that theatre has become a moment to question our problems and
our darkness, a moment for our soul to insinuate into our memories.


Date Hour
Friday, February 26 7:00 pm


  • Tarif plein 19 €
  • Tarifs réduits senior / prof / groupe 15 €
  • Tarifs réduits - 26 ans, demandeurs d’emploi, pros du spectacle 8 €


Conception, chorégraphie et interprétation Nicole Mossoux
Mise en scène Patrick Bonté, Nicole Mossoux
Musique originale live Mikha Wajnrych (objets sonores), Thomas Turine (composition électroacoustique)
Costumes Colette Huchard
Scénographie Johan Daenen
Lumières Patrick Bonté
Production Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté
Avec le soutien du Théâtre de la Balsamine (Bruxelles) et du Théâtre Le Passage (Fécamp)



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