Festival Atlas of Transitions

09/03/2020 14/03/2020
  • Location : Théâtre de Liège

Atlas of Transitions- Creative Europe is a European project (2017-2020) supported by the theatres, contemporary art centres, cultural organisations and universities of seven countries: Italy, Albania, Belgium, Poland, France, Greece and Sweden. The project imagines new perceptions of the public space and unifying means of interactive cohabitation between citizens and newcomers. In March 2020, Théâtre de Liège dedicates a festival that questions migratory realities through a rich and varied programme of:

  • theatre, notably welcoming the remarkable Hierarchy of Needs from the Swede Matthias Anderson or Z’oiseaux, a delicate piece aimed at a young audience by the French company Les Petites Boites,
  • themed conferences in line with the programme, co-organised with the CEDEM – the University of Liège’s Centre for the Study of the Ethnicity of Migrations.
  • meetings-readings of authors sensitive to these issues,
  • an exhibition,
  • workshops led by the Théâtre de Liège for several years with the Maurice Destenay, Liège Atlas schools and associations such as la Bobine or Monde des Possibles,
  • discussions in collaboration with the CNCD 11.11.11 – National Centre for Development Cooperation

and many other events so that this festival is both the reflection of our thoughts and a real moment of sharing.






Salle de la Grande Main
The swirling movements of the famous whirling dervishes modernized by the fervor of Ziya Azazi in a flamboyant show.

Detours Cyphers 2024

Parc de la Boverie
An event dedicated to urban dance that sheds light on the city and its artists.

L'Arbre à clous

22.09.2024 04.10.2024
Salle de l'Œil vert
A votive vigil inspired by an ancient Walloon tradition still alive today, which reactivates the powers of our imaginations.

Le Garage inventé

22.09.2024 28.09.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
Blending theatre and film, Claude Schmitz's Le Garage inventé is a total spectacle.


02.10.2024 04.10.2024
La Cité Miroir
The journey of an infinitely courageous woman, ready to face all dangers to protect her child and save herself.


04.10.2024 05.10.2024
Salle de la Grande Main
The incomparable masterpiece of James Joyce, Ulysses, adapted for the theater to elevate the most mythical of literary odysseys.