
Jorge León
06/11/2018 07/11/2018
  • Duur: 1h15
  • Location : Salle de la Grande Main

Responding to the SOS of his colleague Mitra Kadivar in late 2012, the psychoanalyst Jacques-Alain Miller tries, by exchanging letters, to get her released from a psychiatric hospital in Teheran where she is being wrongly held. With this striking correspondence, Jorge León conceives an ambitious project and makes Mitra the tragic figure of feminine heroism in a show combining opera, documentary cinema and installation. The lyrical voice of threatened speech.


Date Hour
Tuesday, November 6 8:00 pm
Wednesday, November 7 7:00 pm


  • Plein tarif 23 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof/Groupe10+ 21 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 11 €
  • Groupe scolaire 8 €
  • -15ans 7 €
  • Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole 5 €


Conception et réalisation Jorge León

Composotion Eva Reiter, George van Dam

Soprano Claron McFadden

Vidéo Aliocha Vanderavoort

Enregistrement musique Ictus ensemble

Scénographie Thibault Vancraenenbroeck

Costumes Silvia Hasenclever

Production Muziektheater Transparant, Ictus

Coproduction KunstenfestivaldesArts, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Théâtre de Liège, De Munt/La Monnaie, Present Perfect vzw, The GMEM Marseille, Actoral Marseille, Les films de Force Majeure Marseille Soutien International Film Festival Marseille FID, Camargo Foundation, IRCAM, CNC DICRéAM, Thank you & Good Night Production, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral de Belgique


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