Portrait Factory, Michel Paysant

14/11/2017 17/11/2017
  • Location : Salle Vive

The French artist Michel Paysant, known for his research articulated between art and science, created a device called the Portrait Factory. He performs, in the form of performance, series of portraits according to living models by the simple movement of his eyes. Using a technique called Eye Tracking, it allows him to turn his gaze into a pencil drawing on paper. A passionate artist, Michel Paysant has been developing a project in cognitive sciences called DALY for almost fifteen years in which he experimented with all the possibilities of the eye-tool: draw, paint, sculpt, create architectures or compose and interpret music. Supported by two engineers, Olivier Herbez and Jean Paysant, the trio offers us an alloy of art, science, research and debate of ideas.


From 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00

Free admission – info & registration info@impact-regio.eu


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