The European project STAGES (SUSTAINABLE THEATRE ALLIANCE for a Green Environmental Shift) started on January 1st 2022 and will last 4 years. It brings together 12 partner theatres in Europe and Asia, a university and a European network of theatres.

Supported by the European Union’s Creative Europe program, STAGES project is a laboratory for experimentation aimed at contributing to the ecological and social transition of the theatre sector in Europe, using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN. In concrete terms, this means integrating a sustainable development approach into our thinking, our artistic practices, our processes and our buildings.

This project is designed around three axes:

  • Conducting a self-analysis within each partner theatre, allowing the identification of short, medium and long-term actions to be implemented to improve the sustainability of the institution (on an ecological and social level);
  • Production of 4 shows per partner theatre: 2 restagings by local artists of projects designed by Jérôme Bel and Katie Mitchell on the principle of “no travel” and 2 shows conceived by local artists with the help of scientists;
  • Creation of an artist-scientist dialogue between academics and local artists through workshops, openlabs, residencies and forums.


Download the brochure





Associated partners

Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland)

National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei – 國家兩廳院 (Taïwan)


STAGES website


From November 6 to 26, 2022, on the fringes of the S.T.A.G.E.S. network, the Théâtre de Liège, in close collaboration with the ULiège and its Green Office, is organising the Festival Sans Transition!

Tomber du monde, by Camille Panza is also supported by S.T.A.G.E.S.