Ballon Bandit

INTI Théâtre {Brussels}
  • Duur: 35'
  • Plaats : Espace Duesberg

Tom is alone. Almost alone. He has his favourite vinyls by David Bowie with him. Suddenly, Balloon appears, all yellow and very light. Tom tries to win him over by sharing his music. However, Balloon is mobile, free-spirited and does whatever comes into his head. The two characters find each other, lose each other, come back together, converse and run the entire gamut of emotions. Tom is no longer alone and experiences a magical and infinitely poetic adventure through dance, games, imagination and music. Inspired by the book Emily’s Balloon by Komako Sakaï, the partnership of choreographer Didier Poiteaux and performer Pierre-Paul Constant has designed a gem packed with meaning for young kids. Balloon Bandit evokes the joy of imagination, the pleasure of dancing, the pain of feeling abandoned, the happiness of being united and the giddiness of movement and leaves us amazed.


Datum Uur
woensdag 26 januari 14:30


  • Tarif plein 8 €
  • Tarif réduit 6 €


From 2.5 years old


Covid Safe Ticket REQUIS

Conception, interprétation Pierre-Paul Constant

Mise en scène Didier Poiteaux

Assistanat Celine Dumont

Accompagnement chorégraphique Dominique Duszynski

Scénographie Marilyne Grimmer

Costumes Perrine Langlais

Musique David Bowie

Création sonore Thomas Turine

Création Lumière Loïc Scuttenaire

Production INTI Théâtre

Coproduction Centre culturel de Verviers, Pierre de Lune/Centre Scénique Jeunes Publics de Bruxelles et la Coop asbl.

Avec l’aide de la fédération Wallonie Bruxelles / Service Théâtre

Avec le soutien de Shelterprod,, ING et du Tax-Shelter du gouvernement fédéral de Belgique

En partenariat avec le Théâtre de la Montagne Magique, EKLA pour tous, le Théâtre Mercelis, le Centre culturel Bruegel, le Centre culturel Wolubilis, le Centre Culturel de Chênée, la Roseraie, le Théâtre des 4 mains, l’Espace de danse A petit pas de Mytilène/Grèce