Closing Party (arrivederci e grazie) – CANCELED

Alessandro Bernardeschi & Mauro Paccagnella {Brussels}
  • Duration: 55'
  • Plaats : Centre Culturel de Chênée

After Happy Hour and El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será Vencido, Alessandro Bernardeschi and Mauro Paccagnella conclude with Closing Party (arrivederci e grazie) the final part of their Trilogy of Memory, a.k.a. the Trilogy of the Fifty-somethings. An ending, a shortness of breath, a completion, or even a new departure. Written by four hands, this last part of the trilogy deepens the themes dear to these artists: the passage of time, social bodies and the dance profession, a farewell waltz, blending intimate souvenirs and the collective memory. Moving and ironic, this glitter-free farewell ball balances between Béjart’s Bolero and the Velvet Underground, black wigs and curious dreams, the Mediterranean and notoriety, trainers and tutus. This delicate and inhabited duo offers us a love song to life and, despite conventions, to the fragile beauty of aging bodies.


Datum Uur
zaterdag 29 januari 20:00


  • Plein tarif 16 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof 14.5 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 8 €
  • -15ans/Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole/ULiège/Hautes Écoles / Groupe scolaire 7 €
  • La carte Amis (cotisation 50€) 11 €


Covid Safe Ticket REQUIS

Conception et mise en scène Alessandro Bernardeschi

En collaboration avec Mauro Paccagnella

Interprétation Alessandro Bernardeschi, Mauro Paccagnella

Featuring Ares D’Angelo

Lumières & régie Simon Stenmans

Vidéo Stéphane Broc

Son Eric Ronsse

Production Wooshing Machine

Coproduction Les Brigittines, Charleroi danse

Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles / Service Danse et de la Communauté Française

Remerciements Lisa Gunstone, Fabienne Damiean



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