Re-birth + Radha

Simone Gomis – Cie Tenane / Dounia Devsena Chaoui
  • Plaats : Espace Marexhe

Liège Danse DiverCity comprises four young choreographers from Liège that have been supported through creative residencies and artistic, financial, technical and administrative support from the Théâtre de Liège in recent months, with a view to professionalising their practices.

The Pays de Danses 2022 festival will welcome the final presentation of their projects, after a year of research and fine-tuning.



Dounia Devsena Chaoui

Born in Brussels to Moroccan parents, adopted from Liège and Indian at heart, Dounia Devsena Chaoui  grew up in Morocco, where she was passionate about Bollywood. She studies sociology, but primarily practices dancing colourful and highly expressive Indian choreography, refining her technique with gurus of this discipline. She created Indian Dance Lab in 2019, an artistic space dedicated to Indian and fusion dances.


Simone Gomis

Born in Dakar, Senegal in 1976, choreographer, director, dancer, performer and teacher Simone Gomis lives and works in Liège. She founded Compagnie Tenane in 2007. She practices contemporary movement


Datum Uur
dinsdag 8 februari 20:00


  • Plein tarif 32 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof 29 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 16 €
  • -15ans/Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole/ULiège/Hautes Écoles / Groupe scolaire 7 €
  • La carte Amis (cotisation 50€) 22.5 €


Covid Safe Ticket REQUIS



Simone Gomis – Cie Tenane

Équipe artistique et technique Benoit De Clerck et Marie De Clerck



Dounia Devsena Chaoui

Équipe artistique Lucia Anjali et Swapnil Dagliya


The Liège Danse DiverCity project has received support from Un Futur pour la Culture, an action plan for the redeployment of the cultural sector that was launched by Minister for Culture Bénédicte Linar.


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