Mercedes Dassy {Brussels}
28/01/2022 29/01/2022
  • Duration: 60'
  • Plaats : Salle de l’Œil vert

We are forced to cancel the RUUPTUUR performances scheduled in Liège this week. Indeed, several performers have tested positive for Covid. The show will therefore not be performed. We are looking into the options of rescheduling the show.
The box office will contact all ticket holders as soon as possible to arrange exchanges and refunds.

Mercedes Dassy is a dancer and choreographer who uses her body as a weapon, a tool, an obstacle, a space for exploration, a super object and a vehicle to engage in an all-out battle. The young artist forges a triptych of choreography, politics and aesthetics in order to condense her reflective agitation at the world, which is linked to feminism and naturally grounded in the present. Part of the open performance cycle of her previous solos, i-Clit and B4 Summer (created at the Pays de Danses festival in 2020), RUUPTUUR shifts from the individual to the collective in the form of a feminine quartet. The piece examines the idea of a rupture (whether it is social, personal, political, rhythmic or emotional in nature) as a vital necessity. A liberating nocturnal ritual, RUUPTUUR calls on mythical and futuristic figures – half-divine, half-plastic female cyborg centaurs – to overcome the fear of change and destroy the ambient gloominess.


Datum Uur
vrijdag 28 januari 19:00
zaterdag 29 januari 19:00


  • Plein tarif 16 €
  • 65ans+/Carte prof 14.5 €
  • -30ans/Pro/Dem.d'emploi 8 €
  • -15ans/Etudiants Conservatoires Art de la parole/ULiège/Hautes Écoles / Groupe scolaire 7 €
  • La carte Amis (cotisation 50€) 11 €


Covid Safe Ticket REQUIS


Concept et chorégraphie Mercedes Dassy

Collaboration et interprétation Kanessa Aguilar Rodriguez, Kim Ceysens, Mercedes Dassy, Justine Theizen

Dramaturgie et conseil artistique Sabine Cmelniski

Création costumes Justine Denos

Création sonore Clément Braive

Création lumière Caroline Mathieu

Collaboration dramaturgique Maria Kakkogianni

Regard extérieur Judith Williquet

Production et diffusion Arts Management Agency (AMA) – France Morin, Cécile Perrichon, Anna Six

Un spectacle de Mercedes Dassy

Coproduction Arts Management Agency, Charleroi danse, Théâtre de Liège, Vooruit, Points communs – nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise/Val d’Oise, la Coop asbl, l’Atelier 210

Avec l’aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Service Danse, de Wallonie-Bruxelles International Avec le soutien de La Villette (Paris), La Bellone, Buda KunstenCentrum – Courtrai, le studio Thor, de Shelterprod, du, ING, du Tax-Shelter du gouvernement fédéral de Belgique


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